Social Media Management is vital to a business’s success. Social Media Management (SMM) tools allow you to easily, efficiently, effectively manage your social media sites. SMM programs can automatically publish your posts to all of your chosen social sites, schedule future posts, and search for the best and most relevant content to share and submit it to your network. This ensures that you are always visible online and your audience remains satisfied. This type of management software can also help you monitor your company’s presence across multiple social media sites.
LinkedIn. One of the most powerful tools in social media management software is LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a professional social networking site that is well known throughout the business world. It allows you to make connections, contact other professionals, hire and manage talent, and manage job openings. The Social Media Manager plugin for LinkedIn automatically publishes your posts to all your selected social media sites in the form of a summary.
Buffer. Buffer is another outstanding SMM tool that allows you to take your social media management beyond your network. The Buffer tool helps you manage your email list, organize Twitter lists, and even set up alerts for when you post new content on your accounts.
Post Planner. Social Media Managers is invaluable to business owners because they provide an amazing enterprise pricing solution. Post Planner organizes your information so that it is easy to manage and search. You can specify which social media management platforms you want to use in order to have access to the tools and features you need for your account. Using the advanced search capabilities will help you locate the content you need as well as save time from navigating your way around all the different platforms.
Zoho Social (web, ios, android). One of the best social media management tool providers out there, Zoho Social offers a variety of tools and features that will help your business manage all its various social medias including: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Pinterest, StumbleUpon. The reason why Zoho Social is so popular is because everything you need to manage your various social media profiles is included with your website. This means that you don’t have to spend extra time learning how to manage each of your profiles – you can simply sign in to Zoho Social and start getting work done. The great news is that this web and mobile platform is free to everyone.
Instagram. Instagram is another one of the best social media management tools out there and fortunately, it’s not hard to use since everything you need is right at your fingertips. This photo sharing and tagging platform to allow users to show off their beautiful photos and interact with their friends and followers. Like Facebook, Instagram is also free to use but if you want to take advantage of all of the benefits that come with integrating Instagram into your business, you’ll have to pay a small fee.
MavSocial. Like many other social media management tools, MavSocial gives you a free trial so you can try out all of the features before you decide whether or not to buy the software. Even if you do decide to get the full version, you can use the free trial to learn more about the different features. In addition, this visually stimulating platform allows you to share your content with millions of users across the globe.
Agora Pulse. With just under two hundred million monthly visitors, Agora Pulse is one of the biggest social media management tools on the market today. For only $99 per month (with a seven-day free trial), users gain access to all of the functionality and features for creating, sharing, and editing social media content. A powerful and easy-to-use interface makes it simple for anyone to create the perfect social media profile while getting real value from all of their content creation.