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The Benefits of Airbnb Cleaning Company

If you own a cleaning business and want to take advantage of the Airbnb phenomenon, a great way to do so is by offering your services to local Airbnb hosts. Even if you already have a full schedule of residential clients, you can easily add a few short-term rental properties to your roster and increase your bottom line by adding an extra source of income.

How to Get More Airbnb Hosts as Cleaning Clients

The first thing you should do is to create a cleaning service page on your website that focuses specifically on Airbnb cleaning. This will help potential hosts learn about your service and decide if you are a good fit for them.

Another effective method for attracting Airbnb hosts as cleaning clients is through networking. You can find local groups on Facebook that specialize in a specific area or subject. Once you have joined these groups, post your helpful blog posts or other content in them.

You can also run Facebook ads to attract more people to your Airbnb cleaning service page or other relevant pages. These ads can be very effective and can get you in front of your ideal customers quickly.

How to Price Your Cleanings for AirbnbGuests

There are two main pricing models for cleaning services – hourly and fixed rates. Generally speaking, Airbnb hosts prefer to pay fixed rates for short-term rentals that require a thorough cleaning. This allows them to accurately estimate how much cleaning time is needed and avoid underestimating their earnings. Alternatively, they can charge an hourly rate for smaller properties that require quick work. However, this is more risky and may result in underestimation of earnings.