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Himalayan pink salt is derived from the salt mines of Himalayan in India. It is rich in sodium, sulfur, chloride, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese and phosphorous. It contains trace elements like calcium, bromine, selenium, iodine, zinc, molybdenum, titanium, rhodium, selenide, barium, strontium, and strontium chloride. This natural salt is also used to purify water and as an antiseptic. It has long been used for curing respiratory ailments, wounds, and blood. Today, it is widely used as a seasoning for sea foods, sports drinks, desserts, confections, bakery products, sweets and liquor.

salt himalayan

This salt belongs to the B-vitamins family. It is a highly refined salt that contains an insignificant amount of salt. Its chemical constituents are salt and some other compounds. Its popularity as a cooking medium dates back to ancient times. It is used in Indian cuisine, Chinese, Continental, Spanish, and even in the American culinary arts.

Himalayan Pink salt mines are located near the town of Kullu, located in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. The salt mines were discovered by Sir Richard Branson who was traveling there on business. He noticed that the local people there used salt for food preparation and exchanged it among themselves. He decided to experiment by bringing home some of the salts, which were the results of his travels.

Salt from Kullu salt mines proved to be highly beneficial. It was proved to have a high mineral content with a pH level of 7.4. Since the acidity and alkalinity of our bodies vary, this natural compound could produce the right balance of minerals necessary for correct health. Since bran is a component of salt, pink Himalayan sea salt is a good alternative when you want a salt free food and at the same time has a neutral ph level.

Salt from Kullu salt mines also had trace amounts of potassium and magnesium, which are beneficial to the human body. High blood pressure can be reduced by salt. Regular consumption of kosher salt lower blood pressure, even as much as a teaspoon a day.

It may sound strange that Himalayan pink salt may contain lead and copper. However, trace amounts of these metals are found in the mineral content of this salt. Experts say that a trace amount of lead may be present in a sample, but it would be very negligible. Excessive intake may cause negative effects, such as metallic pains and other health disorders.

Iodine is essential to proper thyroid function and proper bone growth. A deficiency in iodine can lead to mental retardation, mental instability and growth deficiencies. Too much iodine can cause hyperthyroidism. Calcium and potassium do not form salt but are found in seawater. The minerals found in Himalayan salt include calcium, magnesium, iodine and sodium. Himalayan salt does not have trace amounts of manganese, copper or phosphorus.

Trace amounts of some of the trace elements can be found in a variety of foods. However, it is hard to eat enough of any one nutrient to get all the nutrients needed. If you prefer to use sea salt, it is better to opt for microorganisms-friendly varieties to minimize risks of consuming harmful microorganisms or microplastics.

In a scientific research carried out by the Asian scientists, pink Himalayan salt was proven to contain certain minerals which were lacking in humans. These minerals include Magnesium, Sodium, Iodine, Copper and Iron. Some of these minerals are required by our body for proper functioning; others help in maintaining our body’s acid-alkaline balance.

Salt forms into different salt form varying in texture, color and flavor. Pink Himalayan salt has trace minerals that are also found in sea water. Its pink color signifies its alkalinity. Its texture is similar to that of sea water. It is not surprising that ancient people prefer to use this type of salt for their cooking and baking requirements.

Himalayan salt contains important nutrients like Bromide, Calcium, Potassium, Zinc and Magnesium. These minerals play a vital role in sustaining our body functions by maintaining the pH levels. According to recent research, Himalayan sea salt can reduce blood pressure and reduce the risks of arteriosclerosis, cancer, diabetes and other heart diseases. These benefits were earlier discovered by the ancient people in India who were using it as a food supplement for many years.

Recent studies have revealed that Himalayan salt contains around 20 percent of sodium chloride and the rest of it consists of various minerals. A salt ionization study performed at the University of California revealed that sodium chloride present in it releases negative ions while magnesium and iron ions released positive ions. The negative ions are mainly responsible for carrying water to cell membranes and help in their function. Similarly, positive ions are responsible for carrying oxygen molecules to cells and react with harmful free radicals to prevent them from attacking the healthy cells.