Featuring Normandy’s renowned apples, this apple cider vinegar is created from fruit in the famous “Orleans Method.” Produced by natural fermentation, this cider vinegar is delicately sweetened with wild yeasts and aged for 12 months in oak caskets.
This beautiful jug was hand-crafted in Normandy circa 1850, and is a great example of a classic design that harks back to a bygone era when milk was delivered directly to the dairy farms from the local water source. The stocky, lightly textured body is encircled by a scalloped collar and is accented with a rolled lip. The handle rises from the midsection and attaches near the mouth of the jug, and a molded lid provides a secure seal.
A charming and whimsical scene on this oil on panel depicts a peasant girl with her children causing a disturbance as they overturn a milk cane. It’s a funny piece of art that could have easily been produced during the medieval period.
The Normandy countryside is an amazing place to visit for a picnic or a stroll, and the scenery is stunning all year round. During the summertime it’s also a great time to take a trip to Claude Monet’s home in Giverny.
Bayeux is a quaint town that is often visited by pilgrims to the cathedral. It is also one of the largest towns in France that escaped the devastation of the WWII D-Day landing beaches, as most buildings were not damaged.